100 Club Lunch Quiz Puzzle

We were propping up the bar in the Jolly Quizmaster Arms, and chatting to the landlord. He started to tell us about the 100 Club Christmas Lunch that he was organising.

He told us that of the 100 members, 90 liked red cabbage, 80 liked parsnips and 70 liked sprouts, and that he had to plate up the correct vegetables for each member.

We sympathised with his difficulty, and out of idle curiosity asked if any members didn't eat any vegetables. He replied that, commendably, very few did. And then knowing we like a puzzle he added cryptically:

19 times as many members eat all three vegetables as those that eat none, and the only people who eat only one vegetable all eat red cabbage.

Well that spoiled the evening, as we could not leave without working out how many people had three vegetables, two vegetables and one vegetable, and which do they eat.

But we solved it - can you?

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Answer at 9.00 on Monday


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