Anagrams Quiz Puzzle Answers

Below are ten questions containing anagrams:

  1. What type of scientist is an anagram of Go Get Oils?
  2. Which actor is an anagram of So I'm Cuter?
  3. Which singer is an anagram of Marble Boy?
  4. Which TV presenter's name is an anagram of Grim Persona?
  5. Which model's name is an anagram of Mainly Bones?
  6. What type of scientist is an anagram of Moon Starer?
  7. Which actress is an anagram of Fine In Torn Jeans?
  8. Which writer is an anagram of I'll Make A Wise Phrase?
  9. Which musician is an anagram of Immense Song?
  10. What type of rock is an anagram of Introduce?

The answers are:

  1. Geologist
  2. Tom Cruise
  3. Bob Marley
  4. Piers Morgan
  5. Yasmin Le Bon
  6. Astronomer
  7. Jennifer Aniston
  8. William Shakespeare
  9. Gene Simmons
  10. Corundite


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