Arithmogram Quiz Puzzle Answer

In the following verse each digit represents a letter, the same letter throughout, of course. And to help you the letters represented by 123456789 for a word.

2 1763861 3 17638. 3 761-532761 8321 of 16779

Said 831 38 2; let none who 5637 167216

In 839 3821 456 56345 I've oft 8316 86779 -

45676 389, 2 and 1637 old 53779 5216.

The word is DIATHERMY making the rhyme

I dreamed a dream. A red-haired maid of Derry

Said mad am I; let none who hear deride

In May amid the heath I've oft made merry -

There Amy, I and dear old Harry hide.


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