Christmas Question and Free Christmas Quiz

It is now December, which means that Quiz Master Shop can talk about Christmas and launch our free Christmas Quiz questions - further details below.

But before we get onto that, here is a Christmas question that needs to be written down, which makes it less suitable for a normal quiz where the questions are normally read out.

Which word is represented by ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?

As usual the answer will be in Monday's Blog post.

Back to the free Christmas Quiz questions, which are part of a series of themed question sets that we are publishing. Last month it was Bonfire Night, this month it is Christmas, and this will continue year-round. We are already planning Valentine's Day and Easter, and there will be more to come.

In between the themed quiz questions, we will have three sample rounds available for anyone to download and use. We hope that this will showcase the high quality of our questions, and persuade you to take the plunge and become a customer.

You can access these free quiz questions without registering, click on this link and scroll down to find the download.

However, there are other benefits to registering with us - you will get discount codes, competition offers to win free quizzes (and other goodies), and help and advice on running an unforgettable quiz night.

So click the link right away to start reaping the rewards.


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