This puzzle is supplied courtesy of John Henderson - well worth following his Twitter account
From the answers to the questions below, rearrange the letters in the designated positions to identify an event.
The initial letters of the correct answers spell two people at the event who, it was predicted, would respectively do what is spelt out by the third letters of the correct answers.
Finally they might be described by the last letters of the correct answers.
1 (1) Situated on the river Camel, which Cornish port is famous for the ’Obby ’Oss Festival, Mummers’ Day … and for numerous restaurants owned by Rick Stein?
2 (9) Which prolific 20th Century writer is known for the works Decline and Fall, A Handful of Dust and Brideshead Revisited?
3 (4) Born Jacopo Comin, which painter of the Venetian school was known by the nickname he acquired from being the son of a dyer?
4 (7) Name the English cities from the location clues: firstly, 14 miles NNE of Cambridge, about 80 miles from London; secondly, on the borders of both North Somerset and South Gloucestershire?
5 (7) Twice British Prime Minister, who is regarded as the father of modern British Police Service? We also have him (ok, and others) to thank for founding the modern Conservative Party.
6 (6) Winner, The X Factor (2009); winner, Popstar to Operastar (2011); winner, The Jump (2014). Who?
7 (5) Which phrase does Google Translate into “jusqu’à demain” (French), “bis morgen” (German) and “hasta mañana” (Spanish)?
8 (3) Although he later became a matinée idol, whose breakthrough role was as violent criminal Tom Riley, who shoots and mortally wounds PC George Dixon in the 1950 film The Blue Lamp?
9 (5) In Greek myth, which virgin huntress agreed only to marry if a suitor could outrun her in a foot-race?
10 (1) Noel Coward took the title of his play Blithe Spirit from an ode by Shelley to which bird?
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Answer at 9.00 on Monday