Number Length Quiz Puzzle Answer

If the numbers from One to One Thousand are written as words, there is no one number that has more letters than all the others - which is a shame, but there we are!

However, there are some numbers that are all equally the longest, in terms of number of letters.

What is the number of letters in these longest numbers?

How many are there of that length?

And what are they?

Taking the numbers from One to Nine, three of them have five letters - Three, Seven and Eight.

Taking the numbers Twenty, Thirty etc., Seventy has the most letters with seven.

Putting numbers together in the form <number> Hundred and Seventy <number>, where the <number> can be Three, Seven or Eight we get

Three Hundred and Seventy Three

Three Hundred and Seventy Seven

Three Hundred and Seventy Eight

Seven Hundred and Seventy Three

Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven

Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight

Eight Hundred and Seventy Three

Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven

Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight

So there are nine numbers with 27 letters.


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