Paperboy Quiz Puzzle Answer

Following on from another puzzle about newspaper deliveries, we have another one.

Five boys applied for the job of paperboy at a local shop - Al, Bill, Chas, Dave and Ed. The manager runs a trial from Monday to Friday, and the boy who sells the most newspapers will get the job.

The sales figures are recorded on a chalk board at the back of the shop, but on Saturday morning, when the job is to be awarded, it rains, and some of the figures are washed out - see below.

Mo Tu We Th Fr Tot
A 6 2 10
B 2 13 9 35
C 4 12 1 35
D 13 8 4 40
E 5 11 3 29
Tot 29 33 43 26 178 


Of the twelve missing number the manager could remember only that Ed sold one more paper on Wednesday than Chas had sold on the Tuesday. He decided to give the job to the boy who could restore all the numbers to the table.

Could you get the job?

The table should read

Mo Tu We Th Fr Tot
A 6 10 2 10 11 39
B 2 13 4 9 7 35
C 4 6 12 12 1 35
D 14 13 8 1 4 40
E 3 5 7 11 3 29
Tot 29 47 33 43 26 178 



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