In early September one of our question setters, Alan, who was on The Chase, received an invitation to talk to Pontypridd Men's Shed, and he was delighted to accept, as we are always pleased to support such a worthwhile charity.
Men's Shed's are local organisations that provide an opportunity for social interaction, often through regular meetings and outings. The concept started in Australia in the 1980s and it has spread to many other countries around the world. More information on Men's Sheds in the UK can be found here.
The meeting started with a talk on The Chase's audition process, the day in the studios, and especially the filming. Alan revealed a few things about the filming that aren't readily apparent to viewers.
This was followed by a YouTube clip of Alan on the show, and then a 20-question quiz for the members.
The quiz was very well received with every team getting between ten and 19 questions correct - some members should seriously consider going on The Chase themselves.
The meeting was extremely friendly and welcoming, and a great way for older men to socialise
Sounds well worth supporting. Had vaguely heard of it, but didn’t know background. We probably need more ‘sheds’ like this.