Quiz Master Shop Field Puzzle

This puzzle concerns the inhabitants of Quiz Master Shop Towers and our route to the Jolly Quizmasters Arms for our evenings' libations.

To get to the road we have to cross a square field, entering through a gate at the south west corner and exiting through another gate halfway along the eastern edge.

Because we go at irregular times (we work long into the evenings on some days preparing top quality questions for our customers!) we have to go to the wall along the north edge to wave to our neighbours, so that they can join us for a tincture.

Our route is rather like the logo that accompanies this blog.

It doesn't matter where we are along the wall when we wave, as our neighbour can see all of it. Clearly, we want to take the shortest possible route across the field, to maximise our drinking before closing.

What is the shortest route?

As usual you can post your suggested answers as a comment on this website, reply to the post on Facebook, or retweet or reply on Twitter @quizmastershop.

Answer at 9.00 on Monday


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