Same Team Always Wins The Quiz

It can be a problem at some quiz nights when one team seems to win virtually every time. We have made some suggestions to deal with this in our monthly newsletter, and those tips will appear here online in due course.

However, one of our question setters went to a new quiz recently, and the quizmaster seemed to have taken things to extremes to avoid the same team winning. This quiz was an anthology of the types of rounds that you can use to reduce the risk of this happening. So, we thought we would give you a run through of the rounds, as you might want to use some.

The quiz kicked off with a Family Fortunes round with points available for the top answers. Anyone who has watched this program will know that the general public come up with some strange answers at times, so this was quite random.

Next out of the box was a multiple choice round. All the questions were quite obscure and had three options. In effect they were all a three-way guess.

It continued with Our Survey Says, which is another chance to guess what the general public have to say.

And to finish there was a True or False round. If a team put down all True or all False they could guarantee to receive half the marks.

So there you have it. All of these have there place in a quiz night, but perhaps not all of them together.


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