Today we have another guest puzzle, supplied by Frank Paul, Author of The Cryptic Pub Quiz and Quiz Master at The Mill in Cambridge.
Find the names of eighteen shades of red or pink hidden in this poem. They may be written forwards or backwards, separated by spaces, punctuation or line breaks (for instance, “the grim agent agreed” would reveal “magenta”.) Each shade of red or pink is at least four letters long.
Should I, like a demure poetess, urge, “No, no,
Don’t spill literal coffee on my denim racing kimono!”?
Or am I to say, “Never mind! Such sweet slips
Tickle my ribs and wiggle my hips!”
No! Smirch his coffee cup with unclean oil!
I’m revenge personified, my rage does boil,
My malicious desire cascades like an avalanche,
Thoughts flailing like a polar octopus on a branch.
From Hounslow to Hamburg, undying hate is my plan...
I – Draco and the Malfoys’ biggest fan –
I – making H.H. Holmes or Ted Bundy look Pollyanna-ish –
Cuff him, dent his car! Lethal as a jellyfish
I am, ferocious as a cougar.
Netherworlds of my mind would horrify Freddy Krueger.
As usual you can post the answers as a comment on this website, reply to the post on Facebook, or retweet or reply on Twitter @quizmastershop.
We suspect not many people will get all eighteen, but prove us wrong :-)
Answers at 9.00 on Monday
Sand isn’t correct I’m afraid, but plenty of time before Monday to find one more. Well done on getting seventeen!
In order of appearance:
Russet, Claret, Carmine, Maroon, Lipstick, Sand, Crimson, Puce, Vermilion, Lava, Coral, Burgundy, Cardinal, Flame, Rose, Fuchsia, Scarlet, Garnet
Not 100% sure on “Sand” but it’s primarily red in Hex code terms, so I’m counting it. There could be another one out there.