Cricket Hat Trick Quiz Puzzle

One of our question setters heard this question as a child, but unfortunately did not hear the answer. And you know what quizzers are like - this gnawed away for years until he finally worked out the answer.

So the question . . .

How can a bowler in a cricket match take a hat trick and take each of the three wickets in different overs?

As usual you can post your suggested answers as a comment on this website, reply to the post on Facebook, or retweet or reply on Twitter @quizmastershop.

Answer at 9.00 on Monday

1 comment

  • Shivansh Sharma

    I have come up with 2 scenarios where this could happen:
    1. Getting a Hat Trick in 2 innings of a same match.
    2. Getting retired after taking 2nd wicket in the first ball of the 2nd over and coming back to take the 3rd wicket.

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