Gold Nuggets Quiz Puzzle

Last week's Puzzle proved popular, so here is a similar puzzle, but with a twist.

Three gold prospectors Adam, Bob and Carl have found nine gold nuggets, in fact they each found three gold nuggets - how fair was that? Well, not quite so fair, as the weight of Adam's three nuggets was exactly twice the weight of Bob's three nuggets.

The weights in ounces of the nine nuggets were 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 46, 101 and 154.

Which three nuggets did Carl find?

As usual you can post your suggested answers as a comment on this website, reply to the post on Facebook, or retweet or reply on Twitter @quizmastershop.

Answer at 9.00 on Monday

1 comment

  • philip smith

    Bob has 10,13,19= 42 ounces
    Adam has 16,22,46= 84 ounces
    Carl has 17,101,154 =272 ounces

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