Presenting a quiz is an art. Being enthusiastic, interacting with teams, a bit of banter between you and contestants, walking round to keep an eye on mobile phones – all of these help the crowd enjoy the evening more.
We see all levels of interaction from the quizmaster bouncing around the room, telling the odd joke, and keeping the energy levels high, to standing still reading the questions twice, and that’s it. Each quizmaster has their own style, and forced bonhomie doesn’t really work.
However, we saw a very low-key presentation style in a recent quiz.
All of the questions were in a PowerPoint presentation which was shown on all the bar’s TVs. The quizmaster sat silently at the bar and clicked the button periodically, to move onto the next question. At the end of the round he moved the answer sheets around the room for marking, resumed his seat, and clicked the button to reveal the answers.
And this was repeated for each round. The quiz passed by almost completely wordlessly! Easily the strangest quiz we have ever seen.